Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hip Hop set out in the park...........

If there was a death then there certainly was a birth and a birthplace. On July 23 Hip Hop will have its birthplace officially recognized. On monday there will be a press conference in the south Bronx the south south Bronx. With this 1520 Sedgwick Ave will be eligible to be noticed as an official historic landmark. This has me thinking about the old days when park jams represented and spoke for all of hip hop with free food for the youth and free music that everyone around the neighborhoods could enjoy. Snap back to reality all i have is one question. How did we get here? I guess in the end i realize that all things must change and hip hop is no different. New York the birthplace of hip hop is going to officially be recognized in your state so now its time to show them why.

.......Cause im from New York

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